
This model brings us right up to date being my most recent design. However the path that led here goes back a long way.

This design represents everything I have learned over the years about single cut basses and player comfort and ergonomics. Various aspects of the bass can be seen in earlier models. The upper horn is a modified version of the Recurve SC Classic top horn, the lower horn is lifted directly from the original Salace and the upper bout comes from an ERB I built several years ago. So as you can see it has taken a while and several models to get to this point.

Having played many single cut basses over the years including many from other builders I have refined what I like in a single cut. Currently I own two of my own basses a Recurve 4 and Krell 6 both fretless, but no single cut. This is going to change because in the Salace E Type I have brought together every aspect of single cut design that I feel is essential in this type of bass.

I wanted to concentrate on the ergonomics as I see them relating to a single cut. If you want full access to the upper frets on a single cut it has to be worn a bit higher on the strap than a double cut bass, no thumb over the top. With this in mind I designed a shape that wrapped itself round the chest accommodating this higher position. This is the reason the upper bout has extensive carving on both the front and back of the bout over and above the usual belly cut, also allowing the bout to sit tight into the body without getting in the way of the fore arm. Then, I shortened the section of the upper horn that joins the neck to the body, the single cut aspect of the instrument.

I have always tried to make single cuts less obviously single cuts, so this comes under my own aesthetic choices, on this particular design this decision, while leaving the strap position around the 12th fret which aids balance on the strap, also reduces the upper bout/neck connection which I have found makes the bass much more playable and comfortable in the upper register. Again reducing the single cut feel of the bass.

The bass works on the strap and on the lap the lower horn anchoring the bass on the leg very well. From an ergonomic point of view this is the most comfortable bass I build and is one of the most comfortable basses I have ever played. It is certainly worth trying if you are looking for a single cut design, even if you find the aesthetics a shade unusual, they are that way for very specific reasons as well as ticking the boxes from my own aesthetic.

Salace basses are available in 4/5/6 string configurations.

All Salace basses are available in both Custom and Über specifications.

Hand crafting endless possibilities in Moffat, Scotland.

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